177641 - Camille's personal transport

Camille's legs hurt from yesterday's dance and she orders her parents' new servant to carry her on his shoulders. The girl's phone rings and she boasts to her friend that she rides on the shoulders of a servant, that he is a guy from the village, not very smart, but useful when he rides her on himself. Camille also says that her parents are out of town this weekend and she is having a party at their country house. The slave can wear all of Camille's friends to keep their feet from getting dirty. After the girl finished talking on the phone, she has the slave bring her something to drink and preens herself in the mirror. Camille criticizes the guy and says he needs to lose weight, she warns him that if he tells her parents that she is insulting him like that, she will make sure he gets fired.

177641 - Camille's personal transport